The University of Hong Kong Convocation

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Monday, March 2, 2015
7:00 pm
Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall (LE1)

The University of Hong Kong


An Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of Convocation will be held on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall (LE1), The University of Hong Kong to consider and approve by resolution a set of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Convocation. 

The EGM will be followed by a talk by Professor C F Lee (BSc(Eng) 1968, MSc(Eng) 1970) on “The Silk Road – from land to sea” (一帶一路的前世今生 --- 從陸上絲路到海上絲路).

Members of Convocation are cordially invited to attend thethe EGM and the talk. Register NOW.


Order of Business for the EGM on March 2, 2015

1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Ordinary General Meeting held on June 19, 2014.

2. To consider and approve by resolution a set of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Convocation.


In accordance with the Convocation Constitution and Rules, in matters where decisions by voting are required, votes may be given either personally or by proxy. Proxy form shall be obtained from the Convocation Secretariat, c/o Development & Alumni Affairs Office (Tel: 2859-2603) or downloaded from the Convocation website (

The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointor and shall be deposited with the Clerk of Convocation not less than 72 hours prior to the time for holding the EGM, i.e. by 6:00 pm, February 27, 2015.

A proxy must be a member of Convocation.  Please refer to the Notes on Proxy form.


Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting held on June 19, 2014


An Ordinary General Meeting of Convocation was held on June 19, 2014 at 6:00 pm at Eliot Room, 14/F K.K. Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.


Present: 39 members in person, 1 member by proxy


1.          The Meeting CONFIRMED the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on June 20, 2013.


2.          The Meeting RECEIVED a report from the Chairman on Convocation activities in the year 2013-2014.


3.          The Meeting NOTED that no notices of questions from members were received by the Clerk of Convocation by June 16, 2014.


4.          The Meeting SANCTIONED the continuation of the office of Dr POON Sun Cheong, Patrick 潘燊昌 who had been appointed by the Standing Committee to fill the casual vacancy in the Standing Committee membership under Paragraph 31 of Convocation Constitution, until the Ordinary General Meeting in 2014.


5.          The Meeting NOTED that there was no urgent business to be transacted without notice thereof being given.


6.          The Meeting ELECTED the following eight members to the Standing Committee for a term of three years, commencing immediately following the close of the Ordinary General Meeting in 2014 until the Ordinary General Meeting in 2017:


Mr CHIK Sing Wing 戚盛榮 (BSc(Eng) 1977, MBA 1997)
Mr FUNG Ho Keung, Andrew
馮可強 (BA 1969, DipEd 1972)
Mr HUNG Man Ching, Alex
洪文正 (BSc(CompSc) 1994)
Mr KUET Shun Cheong, Andrew
闕順昌 (BSocSc 1987)
Mr KWAI Sze Kit, Gavin
季詩傑 (LLM(CFL) 2003)
Dr LAM, Lee George
林家禮 (PhD 2004, MPA 2013)
Mrs TAM CHEUNG Chui Fan, Mona
譚張翠芬 (MBA 2004)
Mr YUEN Kam Ho, George
袁金浩 (BA 1966)


7.          The Meeting WAS ADJOURNED at 7:00 pm and was followed by the Convocation Speech by the Hon. Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR.



Mona Tam

Clerk of Convocation


February 9, 2015