Decoding the Diao Yu Island Issue

by Mr Wong Tin 黃天先生 [Biography / 簡歷]
May 22, 2014 (Thursday), 7:30pm
Room CPD-LG. 18, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre,
Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong [Location Map]
The debate on the sovereignty of the Diao Yu Island has been going on for the past four decades and has intensified during the past few years. The competing claims between China and Japan for sovereignty over the Island have led to diplomatic tension and even military manoeuvre between the two countries. The issue has profound implication on the political scene in East Asia.

What is the argument all about? What are Japan's claims of sovereignty? What are China's arguments? The lecture attempts an in-depth, rational analysis of the following aspects :
a) The relationship of China with the Diao Yu Island as documented in historical records;
b) Whether the Diao Yu Island was part of former Ryuku Kingdom;
c) The justification of Japan's claim;
d) Why the USA handed over the Diao Yu Island to Japan together with the Ryuku Islands.
After the talk of about 40 minutes, Mr Wong will take questions for another 30-40 minutes.
*The talk will be delivered in Cantonese.

釣魚島的爭議是怎麼回事? 為甚麼日本敢於說是他們的國土? 所以我們不能光是說釣魚島自古以來是中國的領土,應要深入認識, 辨清真偽,探明緣由。本講議就是由此出發,作扼要的講述:
一. 中國文獻上記載的釣魚島;
二. 琉球王國版圖不領有釣魚島;
三. 日本佔有釣魚島的所謂理據;
四. 美國交了「球」還要送釣魚島用心何在;
五. 回答提問。
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