HKU Convocation

"Nurturing 21st Century Talents - The Way Forward for CUHK & HKU"
「培育 21世紀人才 - 中大與港大的前瞻」

Jointly organised by HKU Convocation and CUHK Convocation
香港大學畢業生議會及 香港中文大學校友評議會合辦

The Joint Convocation Conference provides a rare opportunity for the Convocation members of both universities to learn more about and to discuss how CUHK and HKU nurture 21st Century talents. A valuable opportunity too for a visit to The Yasumoto International Academic Park, the conference venue, which is a newly-opened significant landmark on the CUHK campus. Participants are also welcome to join the post-event bus tour around the campus and lunch sharing with CUHK participants. The event will also constitute one of CUHK's 50th Anniversary activities.

Photo Sharing

Date 日期: 13 April, 2013 (SAT)      2013 年4月13日 (星期六)

Time 時間: 10:00 am - 12:40 pm (9:30 am - 10:00 am Registration)
上午10:00 - 中午12:40 (上午9:30 - 上午10:00 登記)
Venue 地點 : LT1, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK campus (Map)
(About 5-10 minutes’ walk from the University MTR Station - Exit A)
香港中文大學 康本國際學術園1號演講廳 (地圖)
(香港鐵路大學站 A出口,五至十分鐘步行距離)
Guests of Honour
主禮嘉賓 :

- Dr. Vincent CHENG, Chairman of the Council, CUHK
  香港中文大學校董會主席 鄭海泉博士
- Dr. the Hon LEONG Che Hung, Council Chairman, HKU
  香港大學校務委員會主席 梁智鴻醫生
Keynote Speakers
主講嘉賓 :

- Prof. Joseph SUNG, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK
  香港中文大學校長 沈祖堯教授
- Prof. Amy TSUI, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President
  (Teaching & Learning), HKU
  香港大學副校長 徐碧美教授 (Click to download Prof. Tsui's presentation)

評論嘉賓 : 
- Mr. Armstrong LEE, Director, Worldwide Consulting Group Co., Ltd
  環球管理諮詢有限公司董事 李漢祥先生
- Mr. TAI Hay Lap, Principal, Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
  仁愛堂田家炳中學校長 戴希立先生
- Mr. Nathan WONG, Solicitor, Kao, Lee & Yip Solicitors
  高李葉律師行律師 黃世傑先生
主持 :
- Mr. CHAN King Cheung, Chief Editor, Hong Kong Economic Journal
  信報總編輯 陳景祥先生
Closing Remarks
致閉幕辭 :
- Mr. CHOI Sau Yuk, HKU Convocation Chairman
  香港大學畢業生議會主席 蔡秀煜先生
- Dr. CHAN Chi Sun, CUHK Convocation Chairman
  香港中文大學校友評議會主席 陳志新博士
費用 :
Conference : Free
Post event campus tour and lunch at Chung Chi College Staff Club (Optional)
(Lunch fee: $100)
(Payment to be collected upon checking in at the registration counter on the event day. Quota: 25 pax. First-come, first-served)

語言 :
Cantonese (supplemented with English)
粵語 (輔以英語)
Details and Online Registration
詳情及網上登記 :